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441 lines
* Title: h.dbox
* Purpose: Creation/deletion/manipulation of dialogue boxes.
* It is important to note that the structure of your dialogue templates is
* an integral part of your program. Always use symbolic names for templates
* and for fields and action buttons within them. Templates for the
* dialogue boxes can be loaded using the template module in this library
* See separate documentation for how to use the RISC OS Template Editor
* in conjunction with this interface.
#ifndef __dbox_h
#define __dbox_h
(* ------------------------------ dbox ------------------------------------
* a dbox is an abstract dialogue box handle
type dbox = ^dbox__str;
dbox__str = record end;
(* ********************** Creation, Deletion functions ***************** *)
(* ------------------------------ dbox_new ------------------------------
* Description: Builds a dialogue box from a named template
* Template editor (FormEd) may have been used to create
* this template in the "Templates" file for the application.
* Parameters: char *name -- template name (from templates previously
* read in by template_init), from which to
* construct dialogue box. Name is as given
* when using FormEd to create template
* Returns: On successful completion, pointer to a dialogue box
* structure otherwise null (eg. when not enough space).
* Other Info: This only creates a structure. It doesn't display anything!
* *However* it does register the dialogue box as an active
* window with the window manager.
function dbox_new(name : string) : dbox; extern;
(* ------------------------------ dbox_dispose ----------------------------
* Description: Disposes of dialogue box structure.
* Parameters: dbox* -- pointer to pointer to a dialogue box structure
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: This also has the side-efffect of hiding the dialogue box,
* so that it no longer appears on the screen. It also
* "un-registers" it as an active window with the
* window manager.
procedure dbox_dispose(var d : dbox); extern;
(* *************************** Display functions ************************ *)
(* ----------------------------- dbox_show --------------------------------
* Description: Displays given dialogue box on the screen.
* Parameters: dbox -- dialogue box to be displayed
* (typically created by dbox_new)
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: Typically used when dialogue box is from a submenu
* so that it disappears when the menu is closed. If called
* when dialogue box is showing then no effect. The show will
* occur near the last menu selection or last caret setting
* (whichever is most recent).
procedure dbox_show(d : dbox); extern;
(* ----------------------------dbox_showstatic ----------------------------
* Description: Displays given dialogue box on the screen, and leaves it
* there, until explicitly closed.
* Parameters: dbox -- dialogue box to be displayed
* (typically created by dbox_new)
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: typically, not used from menu selection, because it will
* persist longer than the menu (otherwise same as dbox_show).
procedure dbox_showstatic(d : dbox); extern;
(* ----------------------------- dbox_hide --------------------------------
* Description: Hides a previously displayed dialogue box.
* Parameters: dbox -- dialogue box to be hidden
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: Note that this does not release any storage. It just
* hides the dialogue box. If called when dialogue box is
* already hidden, then no effect.
procedure dbox_hide(d : dbox); extern;
(* ***************************** dbox Fields. *************************** *)
(* A dbox has a number of fields, labelled from 0. There are the following
* distinct field types:
* "action" fields. Mouse clicks here are communicated to the client. The
* fields are usually labelled "go", "quit", etc. Set/GetField apply to the
* label on the field, although this is usually set up in the template.
* "output" fields. These display a message to the user, using SetField.
* Mouse clicks etc. have no effect.
*"input" fields. The user can type into these, and simple local editing is
* provided. Set/GetField can be used on the textual value, or
* Set/GetNumeric if the user should type in numeric values.
* "on/off" fields. The user can click on these to display their on/off
* status. They are always "off" when the dbox is first created. The
* template editor can set up mutually exclusive sets of these at will.
* Set/GetField apply to the label on this field, Set/GetNumeric
* set/get 1 (on) and 0 (off) values.
(* ---------------------- dbox_field / dbox_fieldtype --------------------
* type dbox_field values are field numbers within a dbox
* type dbox_fieldtype values indicate what sort a field is
* (ie. action, output, input, on/off)
type dbox_field_ptr = ^dbox_field;
dbox_field = integer;
const dbox_FACTION = 0;
dbox_FOUTPUT = 1;
dbox_FINPUT = 2;
dbox_FONOFF = 3;
type dbox_fieldtype_ptr = ^dbox_fieldtype;
dbox_fieldtype = integer;
(* -------------------------- dbox_setfield -------------------------------
* Description: Sets the given field, within the given dialogue box, to
* the given text value.
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* dbox_field -- chosen field number
* char* -- text to be displayed in field
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: if applied to non-text field then no effect
* if field is an indirected text icon then the text length
* is limited by the size value used when setting up the
* template in the template editor. Any longer text will be
* truncated to this length.
* otherwise text is truncated to 12 chars (11 text + 1 null)
* if dbox is currently showing, change is immediately
* visible.
procedure dbox_setfield(d : dbox; df : dbox_field; text : string); extern;
(* ---------------------------- dbox_getfield ------------------------------
* Description: Puts the current contents of the chosen text field into
* buffer, whose size is given as third parameter
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* dbox_field -- the chosen field number
* char *buffer -- buffer to be used
* int size -- size of buffer
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: if applied to non-text field then null string put in buffer
* if the length of the chosen field (plus null-terminator)
* is larger than the buffer, then result will be truncated.
procedure dbox_getfield(d : dbox;
df : dbox_field;
buffer : string;
size : integer); extern;
(* ---------------------------- dbox_setnumeric ----------------------------
* Description: Sets the given field, in the given dbox, to the given
* integer value.
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* dbox_field -- the chosen field number
* int -- field's contents will be set to this value
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: if field is input/output, then the integer value is
* converted to a string and displayed in the field
* if field is of type "action" or "on/off" then a non-zero
* integer value "selects" this field; zero "de-selects".
procedure dbox_setnumeric(d : dbox; df : dbox_field; v : integer); extern;
(* ---------------------------- dbox_getnumeric ----------------------------
* Description: Gets the integer value held in the chosen field of the
* chosen dbox.
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* dbox_field -- the chosen field number
* Returns: integer value held in chosen field
* Other Info: if the field is of type "on/off" then return value of 0
* means "off", 1 means "on"
* otherwise return value is integer equivalent of field
* contents.
function dbox_getnumeric(d : dbox; df : dbox_field) : integer; extern;
(* --------------------------- dbox_fadefield ------------------------------
* Description: Makes a field unselectable (ie. faded by WIMP).
* Parameters: dbox d -- the dialogue box in which field resides
* dbox_field f -- the field to be faded.
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: Fading an already faded field has no effect.
procedure dbox_fadefield(d : dbox; df : dbox_field); extern;
(* --------------------------- dbox_unfadefield ----------------------------
* Description: Makes a field selectable (ie "unfades" it).
* Parameters: dbox d -- the dialogue box in which field resides
* dbox_field f -- the field to be unfaded.
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: Unfading an already selectable field has no effect
procedure dbox_unfadefield(d : dbox; df : dbox_field); extern;
(* ************************ Events from dboxes. ************************ *)
(* A dbox acts as an input device: a stream of characters comes from it
* somewhat like a keyboard, and an up-call can be arranged when input is
* waiting.
const dbox_CLOSE = dbox_field(-1);
(* dboxes may have a "close" button that is separate from their action
* buttons, usually in the header of the window. If this is pressed then
* CLOSE is returned, this should lead to the dbox being invisible. If the
* dbox represents a particular pending operation then the operation should
* be cancelled.
(* ------------------------------ dbox_get ---------------------------------
* Description: Tells caller which action field has been activated in the
* chosen dialogue box
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* Returns: field number of activated field
* Other Info: This should only be called from an event handler
* (since this is the only situation where it makes sense).
function dbox_get(d : dbox) : dbox_field; extern;
(* ------------------------------ dbox_read ---------------------------------
* Description: Tells caller which action field has been activated in the
* chosen dialogue box. Does not cancel the event.
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* Returns: field number of activated field
* Other Info: This should only be called from an event handler
* (since this is the only situation where it makes sense).
function dbox_read(d : dbox) : dbox_field; extern;
(* ------------------------ dbox_eventhandler ------------------------------
* Description: Register an event handler function for the given dialogue
* box.
* Parameters: dbox -- the chosen dialogue box
* dbox_handler_proc -- name of handler function
* void *handle -- user-defined handle
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: When a field of the given dialogue box has been activated
* the user-supplied handler function is called.
* The handler should be defined in the form:
* void foo (dbox d, void *handle)
* When called the function "foo" will be passed the relevant
* dialogue box, and its user-defined handle. A typical action
* in "foo" would be to call dbox_get to determine which
* field was activated. If handler==0 then no function is
* installed as a handler (and any existing handler is
* "un-registered".
type dbox_handler_proc = ^procedure handler(d : dbox; handle : pointer);
procedure dbox_eventhandler(d : dbox;
handler : dbox_handler_proc;
handle : pointer); extern;
(* -------------------------- dbox_raweventhandler -------------------------
* Description: Register a "raw" event handler for the given dialogue box.
* Parameters: dbox -- the given dialogue box
* dbox_raw_handler_proc proc -- handler function for event
* void *handle -- user-defined handle.
* Returns: void.
* Other Info: This registers a function which will be passed "unvetted"
* window events. Under the window manager in RISC OS, the
* event will be a wimp_eventstr* (see Wimp module). The
* supplied handler function should return true if it
* processed the event; if it returns false, then the event
* will be passed on to any event handler defined using
* dbox_eventhandler() as above. The form of the handler's
* function header is:
* BOOL func (dbox d, void *event, void *handle).
type dbox_raw_handler_proc = ^function handler(d : dbox;
event : pointer;
handle : pointer) : boolean;
(* dboxes are often used to fill in the details of a pending operation. In
this case a down-call driven interface to the entire interaction is often
convenient. The following facilties aid this form of use. *)
(* -------------------------- dbox_fillin -------------------------------
* Description: Process events until a field in the given dialogue box
* has been activated.
* Parameters: dbox d -- the given dialogue box
* Returns: field number of activated field.
* Other Info: Handling of harmful events, same as dbox_popup (see below).
* On each call to dbox_fillin, the caret is set to the end
* of the lowest numbered writeable icon
procedure dbox_fillin(d : dbox) : dbox_field; extern;
(* -------------------------- dbox_fillin_fixedcaret --------------------
* Description: Process events until a field in the given dialogue box
* has been activated.
* Parameters: dbox d -- the given dialogue box
* Returns: field number of activated field.
* Other Info: Same as dbox_fillin, except caret is not set to end of lowest
* numbered writeable icon
procedure dbox_fillin_fixedcaret(d : dbox) : dbox_field; extern;
(* ------------------------------ dbox_popup -------------------------------
* Description: Build a dialogue box, from a named template, assign message
* to field 1, do a dbox_fillin, destroy the dialogue box,
* and return the number of the activated field.
* Parameters: char *name -- template name for dialogue box
* char *message -- message to be displayed in field 1
* Returns: field number of activated field
* Other Info: "harmful" events are those which could cause the dialogue
* to fail (eg. keystrokes, mouse clicks). These events will
* cause the dialogue box to receive a CLOSE event.
procedure dbox_popup(name : string; message : string) : dbox_field; extern;
(* ------------------------------ dbox_persist -----------------------------
* Description: When dbox_fillin has returned an action event, this
* function returns true if the user wishes the action to
* be performed, but the dialogue box to remain.
* Parameters: void.
* Returns: BOOL -- does user want dbox to remain on screen?
* Other Info: Current implementation returns true when user has clicked
* Adjust. Caller should continue round fill-in
* loop if return value is true (ie. don't destroy dbox).
function dbox_persist : boolean; extern;
(* ***************************** System hook. **************************** *)
(* --------------------------- dbox_syshandle ------------------------------
* Description: Allows the caller to get a handle on the window associated
* with the given dialogue box.
* Parameters: dbox -- the given dialogue box
* Returns: window handle of dialogue box (this is a wimp_w under the
* RISC OS window manager).
* Other Info: This could be used to hang a menu off a dialogue box, or
* to "customise" the dialogue box in some way. Note that
* dbox_dispose will also dispose of any such attached menus.
function dbox_syshandle(d : dbox) : integer; extern;
(* ************************** Initialisation **************************** *)
(* ---------------------------- dbox_init ----------------------------------
* Description: Prepare for use of dialogue boxes from templates
* Parameters: void
* Returns: void
* Other Info: This function must be called ONCE before any dbox functions
* are used. You should call template_init() before this
* function.
procedure dbox_init; extern;
(* end dbox.h *)